Sunday, April 1, 2012

A Healthy Me

My skin has been looking not upto par lately. Been staying up way late even though Im super tired. My tummy has gotten a little bigger lately then  i would like to admit. Ive decided to start working out and trying to eat better. Going to try to stop drinking soda. I feel the headaches coming from caffiene withdrawl, but its going to be worth it. I found EA Active 2 on clearance for the PS3 at walmart for $10. When i went grocery shopping I got fruits and veggies. Also stuff to make some yummy chicken(the only meat i really like). I like sweets but im not constantly eating them though. I still have Valentines Day Chocolates that my hubby got me. My only downfall at the grocery store was the Blue Bunny Red Velvet Ice Cream. I know I know I shouldnt have bought it but usually when I buy ice cream half the time i end up throwing it away months later because i hadnt eaten it. I only ever eat a scoop at a time. So figured at least when i have a sugar craving i can enjoy a whole scoop of it. They say even when on a diet that you can enjoy that sugar craving once in awhile because if you keep putting it off, you will end up overindulging. I guess i should have gotten some tootsie rolls. They say eating 1 tootsie roll will satisfy your sugar craving.  Hopefully I can stick to this.. I want to visit my parents in fl and goto the beach but right now im too self conscious to wear a bathing suit in front of people. I need to remember to go pick up some tea from Super Target. They carry my Tazo Passion Tea(yum!!). Its the same tea they use at starbucks. Wish Me Luck!! What are your some of your Healthy Living Tips??

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