Monday, October 4, 2010

Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

I think this is a must have beauty product. IT can either be used as a masque by itself, mixed with aspirin to make an exfoliating masque, or it can also be used as a spot treatment.

The Contents on the Back State:

Mint Julep Masque is the original natural home treatment developed by a dermatologist that helps dry up acne pimples, rinse away blackheads and shrink enlarged pores. Simply apply Mint Julep Masque to your clean face and neck. Within minutes it firms and hardens, drawing out impurities from your pores. After the masque is removed, your skin will feel clean, refreshed, and smooth. Even for individuals who are fortunately free of skin problems, Mint Julep Masque is a refreshing facial treatment that helps relax tired muscles and ease tension limes on the face and neck.

I use this product when i feel a pimple coming on or even red spots show up on my face. When you first put it on it tingles and to me thats a sign that its working. The tingling will subside within a minute or so. You leave it on for about 15 minutes and remove with warm water. My face always feels clean and refresh when i use this product. Sometimes if i am having a stubborn pimple i use it as an overnight spot treatment and it drastically goes down in size by the time morning comes. Its not at all expensive. The bottle cost $3.99 at walgreens and lasts awhile. 1 bottle will last me a year :)

I first clean my face, ive been using acne free sensetive cleanser, but i think this might be too harsh for my face. I might go buy some cetaphil or bite the bullet and get my clinique mild cleanser that i adore. :)

Then i apply the masque all over my face being careful not to get it near my my mouth or the eye area. The mint stings your eye if it gets anywhere near it, at least for me it does. I have sensetive eyes though. i quickly wipe away with a wet washcloth.

I leave it on between 15 to 30 minutes and then wash off with warm water. I would use a washcloth or something to wash it off because sometimes its stubborn and doesnt want to wash off. haha I have done this masque before getting ready for work and i have gotten in the car and seen dried masque on the bottom of my chin :/ how embarassing lol :p

haha this is when my hubby says."eww whats that green stuff all over your face!" lol

I give this masque 10/10. I think its a must for everyone, not only beauty girls/guys :)

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