Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sorry I've Been M.I.A.

It seems like forever since i blogged last. Ive been busy with work, birthday parties, vacation, spending time with my hubby, etc... Ive had things to post in the last couple months just never seemed to have found the time to do so. Don't worry though i will. I've been loving my sleek i divine acid palette. Last week i was in Austin visiting my older brother and my 3 year old nephew. He said my eyes looked cool, and started touching them. He said my eyes reminded him of afro circus from Madagascar 3. 

I will post the look in the next couple days. I think ill enter it in the Makeupbee.com Tropical Look Contest. I want to win some inglot cosmetics!!!!! I just got my recent glam bag, so i will need to post that. It came in a cute, colorful bag this month. I think its my favorite item besides the nail polish. :) I've also recently just joined pinterest. My Mom has been trying to get me to go on there for the past few months. She was telling me about all the different things people do their nails.  I finally joined yesterday. I can say its definitely addicting. I already have 2 boards. My name on there is BethyWethy17.  I have a beauty and food board. Check it out if you want. I just linked above to my beauty board. 


So.. Its almost bed time, so i should be getting off of here. I promise to be better about blogging. Things at work have been slowing down so i should start having more time to blog. :) 


Have an awesome day/night!! :) 

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