Thursday, January 3, 2013

Liebster Award

Thanks Porcelain Glam from Hautedare for nominating me for the Liebster award. Im so honored!! Never thought I would ever be nominated for a blog award. :D

The Liebster award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. What is a Liebster?  The meaning: Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The Rules :
* The nominees must link back to the blogger who awarded them

* If you are nominated, write "11 Random Facts" about yourself and answer the 11 questions the awarder wrote for you. 

* Make up 11 new questions to be answered and nominate 11 other bloggers.

11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I grew up in the Air Force. (My dad was a chaplain.)
2. I work at Ross.
*3.Im shy unless I get to know you, and then you cant get me to be quiet.
4. My favorite colors are Pink, Blue, and Green.
5. I love the Beach.
6. Favorite Food is Fettucine Alfredo.
7. I want to attend school at the Arizona Skincare and Makeup Institute.
8. Favorite Singer of All time is Whitney Houston.
9. Love to sing karaoke.
10. The Little Mermaid is my favorite movie of all time.
11. I love Coach Purses.

Questions From Porcelain Glam:
1. How can I improve my blog?

hmm.. Im no blog expert and I'm still learning myself, so it would be hard for me to give advice on how to improve it. <3 

2. If you had to live with one mascara..forever, which one would you pick?

Hmmm... This one is hard... ugh... Maybelline Colossal.. no Illegal Length... Tarte Lights Camera Lashes... hrmm.. Clinique Natural Glossy Mascara... hmmm Probably Maybelline Falsies.
3. New Years Resolution?

Stop spending so much money, eat healthier, and sleep more.
4. Polar bears or penguins? Choose wisely *evil glare*

Polar Bears. <3 I like penguins too but I adore my favorite bear Polar Bears. 
5. Why did you start blogging?

To show some makeup looks I did and how I did them for my friends that were into beauty stuff. Also to share products that I like.
6. What is your favorite store?

Ulta or Sephora

7. What is your dream job?

Be a Makeup Artist
8. Favorite lip combos? (liner, gloss, lipstick)

I never use a liner and usually dont like the feel of lipstick. Im a lip gloss girl. I however from time to time will wear a lipstick and then add a sparkle gloss too it like Jordana ASAP.

9. Which best describes your eyeshadow? Daring-Darla, Calm Callie, Neutral-Nadia

Definitely Daring-Darla lol
10. What is your favorite candy?

Kit Kats
11. Cookies or cake?

hmmm... Probably cake.

Questions I'm Asking:

1. What is your favorite beauty product of all time?

2. If you could be any character from a cartoon, who would you choose and why?

3. What are your top 5 Beauty Brands?

4. Why did you start blogging?

5. What is your favorite Scent?

6. If you could be famous for doing something outrageous, what would you do?

7. Would you rather vacation in a cabin in the woods or House on the Beach?

8. If you had to choose only 1 beauty product to use for the rest of your life, what would you choose?

9. Favorite Flavor of Ice Cream?

10. When it comes to eyeshadows, Do you like Bright colors or more Neutral Colors?

11. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?


My Nominees Are:

1. Elizabeth@ Beauty Bytes
2. Blair@ BlairBeautyBlogger
3. Jess@ Holding Beauty
4. Rin@ Lil' Rin
5. Gabbi@ Mieu Makeup
6. Brittany@ Atomic Bombshell
7. Sushuen@ Psumpkin's Polished Pinky
8. Victoria@ Coransv
9. Kosmetik
10. Makijazowo
11. Uncut Color

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