Thursday, November 8, 2012

Sorry I've Been M.I.A.

Ive been in a slump lately.. I should make a post of some random eye looks ive done over the past couple weeks. Have had no inspiration lately and also everything for the most part has been coming up meh. I also started getting up  for work at 530 am and having to be at work at 6:15. Doesnt give me much time to do really come up with something unique for work. I did recently buy the new green palette from Hard Candy. I need to swatch and review it along with the blue one. Ive been slacking. :p When I come home Im so tired from waking up early that I pass out. Im not a morning person, but I rather go in super early, so I have time to do things after work. Going in at 11, didnt give you much time to do anything before work, then getting off around 7 or 730 didnt give you anytime to do anything after either. I know I also never did a post for the last Glam bag. I took pics for that as well. Hopefully I will get these posts up in the next week. Tiredness not only has been distracting me, but so has shows like the Dr Oz Show, The Doctors, Jeff Probt Show, and Jeopardy. lol Ive finally been home to watch these shows. They seem to be talking about the topics that concern me. I'll try to be better about my updates, promise!

 - Bethany <3

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